
All about Cloud Infra Technology

ThinkGround is a Flature's Portfolio Website

ThinkGround was the 'Blog' I write on. It had various Information I studied.
Since 2013, ThinkGround had IT Information about 'JAVA' and shared some experience 'trouble shooting'.
And now, ThinkGround start with Website on 'Cloud Infrastructure' that Flature manages.

This site is made up of 'LEMP stack'

This site is renewal on April, 2019. First Site is a just 'web hosting' that I can't touch the server. So, I made a 'VM Instance' in GCP, and built a 'LEMP Stack' on VM. This Sequence of Project is below. If you want a site like this, you just follow this 'Flature's Project'.

I'm a just IT beginner yet

IT's difficult. but because of that, I am willing to do that.
Flature Profile